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Found some good luck in my 2nd location pull


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I first want to start off... Saying what a blast it's been getting into bulk vending.. I was lucky to have found this web site before i got started, and feel that my business will be successful.. Because I was able to start off on the right foot... I was able to get my machine at very low cost.. And the knowage that I learn from here I was able to place at locations with so far very good returns.. At my second location witch is a BBQ. Sub shop I wasn't thinking it would do so great... I only have a 4 col sticker machine there... And it's been on location for about three weeks... So me being new, I had to take a peek and see if it was working out... Oya it was... :) nice pile of quarters in the tray.. But the coolest thing was a 1954 quarter was laying to the side.. I think I'll frame it... Think was I was having such a bad day at my full time job... And almost didn't go over to check.. Because thought there wasn't going to be any thing in there except the quarters I put in there to test it out before I left the machine there.... Man it made my day... Cracker jack smile leaving the location... This has to be a good sign that I'm headed for success..

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That is probably a silver quarter, the silver alone is probably worth about $6


ya it's silver,well 90% I actually collect coins, mostly from what I find at work. had a guy come in and pay 32$ with 1945-1946 half dollars. I couldnt believe it.2 party 12 packs and combo number 4. I'll keep them forever..

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