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Mechanic Snack Seaga Drama..Im about to scream!


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I do some fullsize snack and soda..also have a few table top mechanic (junk yes I know..but they are already on routes I bought)..

Anyways I just recently picked up 2 Seaga CA18 snack machines..I will attach a photo in this post.. both machines are on locations and I picked them up CHEAP! I offered both locations to go fullsize but they are VERY limited on space.. both are NO commission they are just happy to have the machines for their use.. however one big problem.. ALL ITEMS are selling at 50 cents! No profit to be made there whatsoever.. might as well just hand them the keys and be like heres your free machine..

I like to charge 50 cents for chips and 1.00 for candy bars..so I need to update some prices..

Well I have a whole box full of quarter disc to change prices that came with what I believe to be another Seaga 8 selection tabletop machine I have out that I bought off craigslist. I will include a picture of this machine also on this post.

So Im thinking i can just use the box of quarter disc I have to change the prices on the CA18's.. well for some reason the disc are the same size as the CA18s but the holes where they slide on the bolts are just barely off making them not fit..

So I ask Seaga about buying some quarter disc to change prices on their CA18.. they want 4.17 A PIECE plus shipping..

My question..any idea of a cheaper place to get the quarter disc? Anyone have any used ones they want to sell?

Sorry if this post is confusing but any help would be great!



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