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Always Thinking...

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I am getting ready to talk to USSD Karate Studios about advertising their business in my sticker and tattoo machines. I have put together a presentation for United Studios of Self Defense Area VP. I am looking for them to advertise on the cover of all my stickers and tattoos. I figure that I can sell that space since it's just a blank card. Wouldn't it be great if every person who bought a sticker or tattoo would see USSD's name and enrollment promotions.

They have studios all over San Diego in the area's that my machines are in. I am going to design an ink stamp and have them pay for it. My fee will be to stamp all the card product in my machines that are located near their studios.

I am offering them 4 months of advertising in 6 locations for $1,000. It is a very unique way of advertising so I don't have to worry about any competition. I will use this to offset the cost of equipment.

I am waiting for their answer. I will let you guys know ASAP.


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I thought of doing this when I was first starting, but could never justify to myself how I would approach or compensate the business were the machine was located. How are you going to compensate the business were your machines are located advertizing for a different company? The properitor may have different views then you on the product or services that you are advertizing in his establishment.


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They are really good points that you bring up grumpy. However, I am not going to advertise on the outside of the machines like the website you attached implies. My plan is to use the customers advertising on the covers of the stickers and tattoos. When someone buys my product they will see the advertised customers information. They are not in competition with one another at all. There are no billboards on the outside of my vending machines.

Thanks for your input.


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I think Gary is right. If a convenience store sells a magazine, the magazine has ads throughout and on the back page. This is pretty similar concept.  While I initially liked the idea of advertising on the machine itself, I had the same concern that Grumpy has. Why would the location let me advertise for someone else in his location. Gary seems to have come up with an imaginative way to advertise without offending the location.

Gary is always thinking outside the box. I'm impressed!


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     Great ideas Gary!  I have those gas pumps (I think you saw them) with the circle up top.  I was going to do more of a "billboard" style advertising with those.  But your sticker idea is a great one as well.  And to be honest, 4 months @ 6 locations for $1K is a great deal for both parties.  Let us know how it goes Gary.

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It was not the way I had understood it.  (I do like the idea)

But it still does not change much. As a small business owner if I found a vendor making money on my location I would like a cut of it or I would give them the boot. (It would also depend on how irrated I was if I found out after the fact)

Reason is simple, I agreed to allow you to provide a small vending machine at my location in exchange for charity or commision. This does not give you the right to change it to advertising (different business). Now you make more money but I do not, but it is my space and in the end I have complete control. There are a ton of vendors out there that will do it my way or the highway.

At the very least you should discuss this with the owners/managers of your locations and let them know and decide if it is something they want on thier property. (or be associated with) As bulk vendors we are guests in someone elses domain, we have to respect thier wishes and not force upon them something we want.

Just my thoughts!


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    Very good point Grumpy.  I want to reiterate the fact that "we are guests" (well put Grumpy), and the better we treat our location, the better they'll treat us usually.

But at the same time, I believe that Gary would be fine just advertising on the covers of the stickers.  As long as it's not on the outside of the machines, or clearly visible to passer-bys, you'll be fine.

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I think the part everyone is missing is, it is not the way to do business.

I have customers come into my establishment and leave business cards on the counter. I say nothing they leave I throw them in the garbage. (Do not care what they say)

I have people come in and ask me to leave flyers or brochures or even business cards, and I allow some. My business my choice, of who I partner with!

If I was the owner of a business and saw advertising comming out of a bulk machine, I would have the vendor remove it, not because I disagree with the concept. But because he did it with out my consent.

So my real warning is be sure that the location wants to particapate with you, be upfront tell them what you are going to do before you do it. That way there is no surprises.


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Hey Grumpy,

You're right. I will talk to my contact tomorrow and make sure they are alright with me adding someone else's advertisement in my vending machines. USSD has partnered with BBV before on many promotions. I think it will be fine with them. But, I should ask anyway.

Thanks for your feelings on this subject. That's what I love about this website.


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I totally agree with Grumpy on this. At the very least the location owner should be in the loop. There could be any number of reasons why they may not want to have another business advertised.

One point to consider is that most bulk customers do not realize that the machines are owned and operated by and independent vendor. They just assume that the business owner runs the machine. This perception would prompt the consumer to think that the business (location) owner endorses the advertised business. This may not be the case and could place the location owner in an uncomfortable position with his clients.

Other than that, it's a great idea as long as everyone is on the same page.


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After the reading the (I didn't know whether to laugh or cry) "What to say if they ask how much the charity gets" thread, I would like to suggest that you simply tell the store owner that the advertising money is going to charity and if he asks what percentage just tell him "I'm giving money to children. Don't you like children?"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I read this post with interest because if you could get it to work ... advertising on bulk machines that is ... it could REALLY defray equipment costs.  And help the charities even MORE.

Being a marketing consultant ...here's what I came up with.

Let's say you have a location ... a restaurant owner for example ... you would approach the owner and tell him to give you a list of his "regulars" ...customers who owned businesses.  PLUS, you ask for a list of his Suppliers...people like;


Think about it.  ALL of these people would be FAMILIAR with the restaurant and...

would WANT to be listed (advertising) on the bulk vending machine. 

More importantly ... when you contact these people ... they will feel a sense of obligation to advertise.  Why?  Because the restaurant owner is their good customer. 

PLUS, when you approach the restaurant owners suppliers ... it's not really cold calling because you'll be introducing yourself as Joe's friend over at XYZ restaurant and they'll recognize Joe etc.  Then you'll explain to them that you're working with the restaurant to put in a bulk vending machine that supports (insert your favorite charity) ... and Joe thought it would be a nice idea to have you advertise/sponsor a spot on the marquee, as a portion goes to the charity etc.

I think this could possibly work. 

Now of course you'd have to give the location a cut of the deal.  For example, say you got 3 sponsors/advertisers to pay $100 each/year .... you'd take in $300 ... a portion would go to the restaurant owner as a commission/thank you, a portion would go to your favorite charity (a lot more than $1 or $2 a month) ... and portion would come back to YOU too ... so it could defer equipment costs, pay for a locator, etc.

What do all of you think of this idea?


P.S. Beaver makes a marquee that costs a LOT ... I think $200 a pop ...and can be attached to their equipment or another manufacturers.  However, I think that's too much, so something else would have to be designed.

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