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Vending Show Workshops

Big Mike

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I have not ever been to one. What kind of workshops do they have now? I would like to see as many different kinds of machines as possible. A hands on of the machine. Take it apart, look it over for quality. Warnings about some of the poor quality ones with examples of why they are bad.

maybe a customer relations workshop where they teach you how to make first contact with potential clients and how to sell yourself to them.

Business plan making. Record keeping. Taxes.

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Tips on Locating for sure.  Also I would like to see things on how to organize a route and bookkeeping of all of it.  Like price per oz, how much each bulk candy sold vs profit.  If that make any sense I don't know.

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  • 1 year later...

1. Taxes

2. Record keeping (primarily for taxes)

3. Protecting yourself from lawsuits/penalties for poor record keeping

4. See new kinds of vending machines, hands ON, examine them

5. Get the names/numbers of people who buy over priced new equipment so I can try to buy it from their garage in 4 months... maybe don't give a class on that, might interfere with my business :)

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All good ideas here.

Maybe add:

Tips on using a vending forum. With topics such as "How to recognize a very old thread."

While I am kidding, somewhat :) , I do like many of the ideas presented, both old and new. Especially Bud's "How to locate for locators" and #5 from lurtsman!


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All good ideas here.

Maybe add:

Tips on using a vending forum. With topics such as "How to recognize a very old thread."


Well the forum does alert you if you try to post to a thread that is more than 30 days old but it only alerts the first reply to the old thread. That would've been iknpeg. Everyone else gets a pass.  ;)

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