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Honor Boxes

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Apparently, it can be profitable. That auction provided me with some very good information too.  I now have an idea of an average revenue and how many boxes you can service per hour. About $5 per week in sales and servicing about 6 per hour. Thanks for letting me know about that auction. Fortunately, the location of the route is just far enough from me that I don't have to worry too terribly much about competition.

It sounds like the ROI is a lot faster than bulk vending which will allow for a more rapid growth rate than I currently have with bulk candy machines. Generally, I have gotten negative feedback about honor snack boxes from people whom have never used them and blindly said that there is no honor left and you will lose too much money in shrinkage.  


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I have thought about doing this. A few things I have came up with (either on my own or through searches) is as follows.

Unlike the auction where every thing is .65 try to add a mix of prices. Maybe something like a .65 section and a .35 section this way they can get a dollar worth. If you do this you may wont to mark everything this way they don't say a item was in the .35 section even though it should have been in the .65 section.

I have thought about small fridge with an honor drink mix. They may not allow this and I would only bring it up after the customer’s location has proven honest, shows good sales, and doesn't have a soda machine near by. I would not offer any commission. It is a service to the location that will help keep their employee’s happy.

I would use a charity this might help keep theft down. Who wants’ to steal from children that are missing, or cancer. This wont stop all theft but it may help limit theft.

If a location has a mix of good sales yet also has theft then change it out for a cheap mechanical vending snack machine. I don't believe that most are stealing to steal, they are simply forget to pay later because they didn't have the money on them at the time.

I hope this helps even though I have never done this myself I have done some research on it.


One more thing. Kick start locations offers a guaranty of $10 a month when they locate.


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I never really considered seperate pricing. I was planning on pricing everything at either $0.75 or just $1.00. I wanted to be able to cover the loss from shrinkage (lost product) and still make a proft. I live in a value market and so pricing less than a dollar might work out better.  I think that if I price at $0.75 some people might be inclined to just put a dollar in if they really want a candy bar and don't have change. I would if I ever had any cash on me. It's rare that I have cash on me and even rarer if I have change on me. I would be the one who always puts a dollar in and would figure that after 3 purchases the fourth one is free.

We have an honor fridge at our shop at the Air Nat'l Guard. As a matter of fact almost every shop in the Air Force has an Honor snack bar. Supposedly we have integrity. Alot of times we end guestimating how much we spend there and put more in there that we actually use. We used to have an IOU sheet which worked well, except you'd have $40 in IOU's and couldn't afford to refill the fridge. I do like the fridge idea. You may have to offer commission for that since you'd be using their electricity. We don't worry about that in the military. We just use your tax money and later sit on $600 toilet seats....LOL. With budget cuts, we're lucky if we even have toilet paper. 


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