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Joy and Pain


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Wow...what a few days it has been. We ordered 10 locations from Midwest. We got 8 - 2 didn't work out.

Of the 8, after a week 3 had $1 or less. Hopefully these can be relocated.

3 had a few dollars...we'll see how these end up doing. I suspect they'll make at least $15/mo.

The remaining 2 are amazing. After 2 days we went to the first (Longhorn) and there was $10 there. Then, 2 days after placing the other (Supermarket breakroom) we found $12.50.

This got me thinking. Has anyone focused on placing a small amount of machines - say 20-30, but in locations that make $100 or more per month instead of hundreds of machines that average $20-$30/mo?



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I think everyone has thought about it, but it's a hard thing to do.  I'm going to try this approach  and relocate some of my slower locations.  We'll see how it does.  Those good locations are usually harder to get into because they are large and you get the "talk to corporate"  excuse, but it CAN be done.

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Midwest will replace any bad locations they get you. Just make sure that you document your collections and send them into them. They might tell you to wait a little longer but they will replace them without a hassle.

Everyone would love to have 20-30 locations that make $100 a month!

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I am currently using Midwest and they are going slower then they said, but they are giving me 4 locations at a time and then none for a week. I placed 4 machines this morning and it was hard to do without taking time off my full time job. I ended up taking 1/2 day off. The first location they found me made $15.50 in the first week. That is better than I thought. Hopefully the majority of their locations will do that well. We'll see though. If they find 4 locations per week I will be happy. So far the locations seem to be decent. They have a good number of employees at least. They got me in a Red Robin restaurant, but its in the kitchen/break room. I would like to be right out front with their other video games. I'm going to see if I can request some locations for customers because I have toy items I would like to put in but I don't think they will do well in an employee break room. Maybe bouncy balls, but probably not spongebob and spiderman temporary tattoos :-)

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Way to go tk. The thing with having machines in front like you want, that involves corporate and so MidWest and other locators won't get anywhere. Amend your business plan a little and do candy in those kitchen/break rooms. Take it from me, it may be worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My daughter works in Applebees and we dine there frequently.  Im going to try to get a machine in there kitchen.  There is nothing but teenagers working there.

That would be excellent Larry!  Hope it works for ya buddy.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Constant work in progress Kevin. I am getting pretty good when identifying locations that will work for $50+/month; the problem is finding them, getting the ok to place, and really not having to deal with any competition. I think now you need 50 employees to support one triple head and go from there. Keeping the employees interested in your machine is a challenge too. I am starting to move to restaurants with a flow of traffic and employees. But I agree: I think a goal should be to get fewer machines and better locations. Easy to say.....:D


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Jim......different traffic everyday sure helps. I was thinking about that today. My numbers are going down the past month or so. ( more actually )

Changing product etc. is vital. I get a bit lazy with that still.

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