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New to the forums and vending


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Hello everyone, my name is Wayne and I am just getting started in bulk vending. I have been wanting to get something started part time for awhile now to generate a little extra income and found this site almost by accident.  Here's my story, I am an assistant manager at a concrete plant and have about 10 employee's, we have a fulline vending machine in the breakroom that does'nt get serviced very well at all. I decided that I would look into getting a small bulk machine that I could stock what everyone wanted and keep everyone happy,well I start on ebay and then do a little research on what I saw there and here I am. I think I have read almost every post here in the last week,and have decided that I am going to persue this farther than I intended. I already have bought 2 new venstars ( I know there are mixed feelings about them here) for $30.00 each. They should be here in a few days and I wil place the first one at my plant and maybe the second one at a sister plant across town. I am also planning on picking up 2 used 1800's today I found on craigslist. I'm excited about getting started and I'm sure I'll have questions once I get things going. Thanks to everyone here for having such a great site and helping us newbies out.

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Wayne, I'm glad you found us and you are off to a great start.  Reading the posts like you have done is the BEST way to learn.  You will love the 1800's, they are very easy to service and good quality.  Keep us updated on your venture and Good Luck to you!

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Welcome to VENDiscuss.com Wayne. We are glad you found us even if it was by accident. As you can see, we cover everything about vending on this incredible website. Your idea about taking over the businesses you work at is a great way to start. Service is key.

Again, we are glad you are here.


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Thanks everyone,I will keep you posted,we decided today that we will become JRL vending. I have 3 daughter's and those are the first letters of their first names.

That's great Wayne!!!  Best of luck to you.
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