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Alternative Locating Strategy

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So I have been doing this about a year now, and have been kind of coasting. I placed my initial machines and they have done pretty well. I originally had a lot of time off of work, which led me to this to help suppliment my income, plus use it as a fun way to practice running a business. I have had a ton of shifts over the last year though and kinda flatlined. Since the birth of my second baby I have taken a lot more time off work and have been getting back into it, and am going to be trying a new way of locating, as I don't have a lot of time or energy to do it myself, and thought I would share and give some progress reports as I go.


The basic idea is this:


I hire special needs people to locate for me on a comission basis.  

I work for a company that does support care for people with a variety of mental issues from Autism to down-syndrome. We have a huge push to get everyone involved in some sort of employment, but the challenge with some is a conventional job just doesn't work. Many clients require one to one care, and need something flexible. There is an organization that helps connect special needs individuals with employers so I will offer them a certain dollar amount per location they land. I will give them scripts and flyers to use to talk to local businesses in their community. I think businesses will at least be happy to hear their pitch and hopefully be interested in helping out someone trying to earn some money. 


My biggest fear is that the clients might get discouraged with rejections and not getting an hourly wage, but I think I will talk through it with the origination and see if we can find a fair way to do it, as I don't want to take advantage of anyone. 

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