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2 days than out!


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I placed a machine 2 days ago I got from Midwest at a Lucille Roberts (fitness center).  I got a call today to come take the machine out.  Not sure I understand the logic of someone agreeing to take a machine and giving it 2 days before asking for its removal.  Midwest even called them to reconsider. Anyway has this happened to any of you?

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It has happened a few times to me. In all situations the ultimate decision maker was not in on the decision. It can happen with a locator or if you do it yourself; you don't always get the full story sometimes even if the person is standing right in front of you. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often.


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This happens mostly with charity locations. I once got that same phone call on the SAME DAY that I placed the machine! To expand on Jim's comments...  The person making the decision either did not actually have the authority or did not realize it was against company policy. Sometimes a "higher up" just gets upset that the decision was made without their input.  Sometimes even your charity is not approved  by management.  Sometimes unethical locators will intentionally get "permission" from low level managers or even just front line employees and hope that the machine will stay in.  I don't believe that Midwest would do that based on their high rating.

What amazes me it how upset some owners or corporate execs will get over a stupid charity gumball machine - get a life guys! I once had an owner call me the very next day and told me that my machine was not authorized in his breakroom. The GM had approved it and when I called him, he was perplexed at the owner's reaction. The GM told me that he absolutely had the authority - since after all, he is the GM! But he also said that if the owner doesn't want it, then it had to go.

Had the exact same thing happen in a hotel just a few weeks ago. The HR director approved it for their (grungy) breakroom and the GM freaked out over it the next day. It doesn't happen that often, but it will happen more times than you want it to.

This is just another one of those screwy situations that makes vending much harder than it looks.


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Hang in there Larry; and right on Jax, just another punch we roll with. Mid-West is great about replacements and I don't want to be where I'm not wanted. Sometimes all it takes is the store manager being transferred or moved or FIRED and you can get back in.


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Sometimes all it takes is the store manager being transferred or moved or FIRED and you can get back in.


Now explain the logic behind that one.

Why in the world should a manager be displaced over a machine that the business makes no revenue from?

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Sometimes all it takes is the store manager being transferred or moved or FIRED and you can get back in.


Now explain the logic behind that one.

Why in the world should a manager be displaced over a machine that the business makes no revenue from?

I am not sure Jim said that john.
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I"m not sure how else that could be interpreted.

Business doesn't like machine

machine gets removed.

manager gets moved or loses his job

maybe the machine gets back in...

It's cool that he says he does not want to be where he's not wanted, but should the situation change...

I guess that I"m just polarized around the whole commission/dump and run thing.  Paying rent is paying rent.  If a business sees revenues from "that worthless machine by the door" it's more likely to stay.

A cup of M&Ms just isn't the same as 50-100 bucks...(sorry guys, I hold no animosity towards anyone on this board, I just don't totally agree with the ethics of non-commission vending).

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The manager would not be fired or transferred because he would not allow a gumball machine; that is not the point. A few weeks ago I placed a machine and the manager called a few days later and told me to take the machine out; he was a jerk about it. I took it out but a few employees told me they were hoping the store manager was going to be transferred to another store; sure enough he was and I just re-placed the machine with the new store manager and everybody is happy again.


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Farmer John;

I have no locations who I pay a commission so I cannot speak to that part. I am a partner with Kids with Cancer and people knowing they are contributing to charity by getting a handful of candy or a toy is pretty awesome. Also, many locations are thrilled to help a worthy cause like this charity,as I am. Maybe I am naive but it works for me, we all have to find our comfort zone.

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It's happened to me also. I had a Med Clinic that was the biggest money maker on my route. I thought I was getting approval from the right manager when I placed it. A few months later, the regional honcho was in town for a visit and that was the end of my machine.

Hang in there and place the machine where it's wanted. There's plenty of places that will appreciate the service you will provide them.

As for commission based locations, I choose not even bother with them. If they can't accept supporting a charity, I move on to the next place. Right now I'm just dealing in candy and think it's hardly worth the time and effort to give someone a few bucks a month for commission. Maybe if I was into racks or full line vending, it might be a different story.  If a person is that hard up for a few bucks from a candy machine, I say thank you and have a nice day. I may be wrong with my attitude but that's the way I choose to run my business...and doing quite well with it.

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Changing my policy in terms of how much I give to NCCS ( its now 15% of net ) makes me feel alot more comfortable working with a charity as opposed to a commission. Moving forward though, I am going to be open to both commission and charity as I gather up more locations.

Farmer John? U da man my brotha.

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