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How do you put a machine in a buisness


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Looking to purchase my first gumball machine, it's a spiral all star wizard (5feet) someone is selling it to me for 100$ locally, and I was wondering how people go about calling up a buisness and pitching the idea,

What do you say, how do you persuade them, and what is a reasonable commission for them.

This is my first machine and I don't actually have a real company so any help is appreciated.

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Ask business owner if you could rent a small space inside store for a gumball machine (show picture now). They will ask how much "rent" if interested, tell them you will give the X% of gross everytime you come service usually every 6-8 weeks. Tell them you provide machine, clean it and refill it all they have to do is provide a small space for it. Don't try to memorize speils because every situation is different, just converse with them don't play the salesman part. Hope this helps.

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