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Desde Colombia


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Hola, soy nuevo en el negocio del Bulk  Vending, y lo poco que he aprendido lo he hecho a traves de estos foros.

Inicialmente voy a operar maquinas en Medellín, Colombia de tres cabezas ubicadas en los principales centros comerciales. La idea es aprovechar que todavia el vending en Colombia no esta muy desarrollado.



Initially I am going to operate machines in Medellín, Colombia of three heads located in the main shopping malls. The idea is take advantage of that vending in Colombia not this very developed

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Welcome to the board!

You may be on the leading edge of a great idea in your country if vending is not already prevalent. I wish it were that way here!

Keep us updated on your progress.


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El que no esté desarrollado es una buena oportunidad pero tambien es un inconveniente, porque unicamente hay dos proveedores de maquinas, es dificil conseguir confites y no es facil convencer a los establecimientos para que dejen poner maquinas.

Pero afortunadamente ya ubicamos dos maquinas en un centro comercial y una de ellas tuvo unas ventas muy buenas el fin de semana.

Les estaré contando como avanzan mis negocios.


The one that is not developed is a good opportunity but also it is a disadvantage, because only there are two suppliers of machines, is difficult to obtain candies and it is not easy to convince to the establishments that they let us put machines.

But luckyly already we located two machines in a shopping mall and one of them had very good sales the weekend.

I will be telling you as they advance my businesses.


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