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Monthly average gross for.....


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Well kai that is a very tough question.  There are several things to consider when trying to estamate how much money will be in a rack stand.  You have to look at the type of product that you place in the stand, the type of customer you have, and of course volume of the location, and location of the machine in the location. 

As far as the first two if you place the machine in the location no matter how busy if they don't like the prodcut they are going to pass.

If you have a smalll volume stop or large volume stop.  Of course with more volume equals more money!!!

And of course the closer to the front door you can get the better.  If you get the high volume stop but they sit you in a back coner that will almost always equat smaller revenues.  High volume stop near the front door, means more people walking past equals means higher revenue.

To answer your question, a stand like you are describing I would not leave in a location if it is doing under $175.00 gross on a 6 week cycle.  That is just a waist of a valuble rack stand. 

I hope this information helps!!!

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Quick question about high volume stores. There is a store in my town that is a perfect place for a rack. I am going to approach them about placing one in their store but I am uncertain about one big thing. There is a large entrance and a large exit. These are both enclosed and have a lot of unused space in them. Would it be better to try to catch people coming in or going out?  I know a lot of people go in the out and out the in at places like walmart and kmart but this store is set up with the registers near the exit and traffic usually flows in one direction.  So entrance or exit?

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