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Please help!! Trying to make the best and smartest investment possible


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Hello Vending world, 


I wanted to start off with saying thank you to everyone who has helped all the newbies like me because i have spent hours reading and learning new information from this forum before i have spent a dollar into my business. 

I just bought my company  " VENDFRIEND LLC" and i already have  a few locations  ready for me to put machines in  Ihave about 15 workers which work 12 hour days and constant traffic coming in and out  i would say maybe 40 people an hour.  No convenient  store within a few miles. Very hard to exit and enter the parking lot due to traffic. so i think that will be in my favor.  

My question is with all the following machines in good working order and decent condition which machines would you recommend  for these location btw i am putting in both snack and drink machines i have about $4000 to invest in machines. so far the machines I can buy right now from people are (Crane National 167 Dual Coil Snack Vending Machine Has MEI  bill valiator that accepts 1's and 5's aswell as accepts coins (500$).  (Rowe 4900 Accepts bills and coins (100$).  (Dixie narco bev max 5591 accepts bills and coins (500$) (Usi 3158 accepts bills and coins $(400). Theimage i posted is somekind of older National Machine i can buy for $200 with a mars bill collector. Thank you in advance !!3818d4fa56fa49aabb3ac5d9a6af05a0.jpgBTW CAR READERS ARE NOT AN ISSUE at the moment everywhere. the location i am going to invest in all the customers and workers carry cash. 

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