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I am wanting to get a little feed back from some of the most honest people I know You Guys!  I am thinking for starting my own little locating firm that would place machines for operators like yourselves.  I have always had very good luck locating machines with a roughly 60% success rate.  I have never done any locating for anyone else but thought hey why not I seem to be pretty good at it.  I would probably start out doing a few for free until I got the hang of it.   Let me know what you think and what kind of experiences you have had with other locating firms.   


Well you might be one of the lucky ones then Kelly, as soon as I figure out what I am doing and how I am going to do it I will let you know.


Sounds good Luke. Its been obvious to me that you certainly have a skill in doing that. Hope it works for you buddy.


Luke.......later for the freebies. Let me know when you want to spend two or three days up here with me. Trust me buddy......I will give you a great deal.


No full line if I do it I have no experience dealing with full line machines.  Will be bulk and flat vend.  Sorry

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