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I'm not quite sure what we are going to use these for. The reputation feature is a very robust feature that can be configured and used in many ways. Some examples could be like the old POTD system from the old board, or even like some sort of points rewards program where members can trade points for stuff.

This is one of the features that I will develop further as time goes by. As always, I'm open to suggestions on how the membership thinks we should utilize this.

If you have any suggestions, throw them up. Think out loud, If we can do it we will.



Steve, one thing that is confusing me is when I look at my profile in the upper left corner of the screen it says I have X rep points - one for each post I've made. However, looking at my profile in the profile screen shows the correct total - 0.

It would be good if we could use this to somehow identify "area experts". Somehow tie to to specific forums...but I don't know if you have that level of granularity. However, if you look at a lot of travel forums you'll see "destination experts". It would be great if we had full line, rack, etc. experts.




The default setting on this thing right now is this...

1 rep point for each post

3 rep points for each topic started

1 rep point each time someone clicks on the heart icon under your name.

You need 1,000 rep points to gain 1 rep power, thus the zero you see for rep power.

This system can pretty much do what ever, and if it cant, there are plenty of software mods available to make it do what we want. It's just a matter of deciding what we want to accomplish with it.

Did I mention that I love this software?  :o



Ahhh...cool. That actually makes a lot of sense. It takes a lot to get a rep power point :)

I would like to see it tied somehow to how "trusted" a person is. So, the more "clicks" they get the more "trusted" they are. Number of posts/topics is good, but is doesn't necessarily equate to "knowledge".

It would be helpful if members knew they could go to this person, or this group of people for help in this specific topic.

Or, conversely, lots of questions get multiple answers that are contradictory. If members could see how "trusted" the people posting the responses were, it would help them decide.

Does that make sense?




So does being able to do anything you want mean you are working on continuing the POTD or is that now history and you are going to start a totally different system here?  I kinda liked the POTD better than these rep points if you have the ability to make this software do anything you want.  Not sure I like the expert rating system in that we might get some great advice from a new person and some bad advice from a so called expert.  I think a great post can come from anyone and would rather see a newbie get a POTD than think members wouldn't pay attention because he was new and other posters had expert ratings?  Just my opinion.



Nam, the idea of "experts" is that the community votes for them. If people like your posts, they will give you "points". If they don't like my posts they won't give any to me. So, when we both post people can say, "Wow, people really like Nam's advice, but they hate that Mace Windu's advice".

It doesn't stop new people (or anyone else) from giving advice.

One problem I see is that when people here ask for advice they often get conflicting info. This way they would have some way to at least weight the info.

For example, right now we are giving Steve conflicting advice on what to do with the rep pts :)




I think we all have to weight the advice being posted regardless of  the poster.  We will always have conflicting advice from different members.  You and I both have Vendstars and like them.  I think we would both buy more and recommend others to buy them assuming the price were low enough.  We have a lot of members that totally disagree with our thinking and believe we should only buy all metal quality machines and wouldn't buy a Vendstar for a buck.  I believe this is more a matter of a difference of opinion rather than anyone giving more expert advice. 

The reason I don't like the rep points is that it implies someone is giving really good advice based on previous posts and that doesn't hold true.  Our original POTD is awarded on merits of a specific post and it may be really good information on that subject.  It doesn't mean the same poster can give equally good advice on a different subject.

I'd rather see someone recognized on the merits of a specific post and not given undue expertise in all their other posts when they may not be an expert on them at all.   Let each post stand on it's own.



Nam, have you ever heard of a book called The Wisdom of Crowds? In it, it makes a very compelling argument for the fact that large groups of people usually give very accurate results.

I think that if people, over time, consistently rate a user's posts as good, then their posts should carry more weight. It doesn't mean they are correct with *every* post - just that other people generally accept their advice.

This is no different that looking at other posts a person has made. For example, if someone tells you they love Midwest and you look at their posts and all they do is bash Kickstart, you might think 2x about why they love MW. Or if all their posts are about Vendstars, you might discount something they posted about how good it is to buy directly from the company :)

This is simply a shortcut. We have a lot of smart people here. If they say that a person typically gives good advice, then that is very helpful for newbies. If you are new to this forum and ask about, for example, what machine to buy, you'll get a lot of different advice. How do you know what to follow?

Or ask about liability insurance.

Or ask about 3rd party vending.

Or any of the other Q's that are asked and get lots of different answers.

Is there another way you can suggest for someone new and inexperienced to weigh the different responses?



Lets not get all worked up here. The rep system has not even been configured yet. It is simply on a default setting from when I installed the software. To avoid confusion, I have disabled it until we decide how best to use it.


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