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Claw games for lobsters


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Over in the Bulk Vending forum, jb5880 asked, "What are the best three candies for triples?" The Mage answered, "Lobsters," and provided a photo of a Japanese Sub Marine Catcher claw game filled with lobsters.

That reminded me of a Lobster Zone game I saw last summer at a tourist oriented seafood restaurant in Florida. I snapped a photo so I would remember to research it when I returned home. My findings are at http://www.pinballclicks.com/article/2009/win-lobster-claw-machine-56

Briefly, there are two companies making these games in the United States: Love Maine Lobster Claw and Lobster Zone.

The discussion in this forum last year covered most of the issues. In the right location, the game can earn a lot of money. The initial game cost is high and the lobsters are perishable. Some people object to treating lobsters as a prize to win and eat. PETA has organized Lobster Liberation to help the lobsters.

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What's your point?  Why did you bring this topic up again?

My point was to respond to The Mage in a more appropriate forum than Bulk Vending and to inform that two American manufacturers now provide lobster claw machines.

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