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Purchased 13 locations today


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I purchased 1 location outright plus an extra XYZ machine. 

Then worked a deal for 13 more machines already on location plus 2 boxes 850 GB and 15 bags of candy. He says he avgerages around 500 per month. We went to 3 locations just so I could checked them out and he pulled over 200 from them (hadnt been serviced in about 5 weeks)

He has gone into full line vending and he doesnt have time for the bulk anymore.

But I was able to get all of the above for 1800 paying 150 per month for 12 months.

Seemed like a good deal to me - any thougths ?

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Still new in the vending business and want to make sure I dont make too many mistakes - I know I will make a few :)

It seemed like a fairly good deal to me - thats the reason I took it - plus gives me more locations.  My goal is to add at least 3 locations a month. unless i find another deal simialr to this one.

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he has gone into full line vending - he doesnt have the time to run the bulk routes anymore - so he put the route up for sale.  and I snatched it up :)

I'm pretty hyped about it - 10 machines havent been service in a few weeks, so I plan on running all of them over the next week or two at the most. Clean his business sticker off and put my sticker on them.

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I'd say good deal. If he is willing to give you those terms he is most likely legit!

Lets do a calculation.

Machine $50

Locator $30

Stock in machine $20

Total $100

You are paying $138 per machine on location.

Even if his numbers are two times inflated then your gross take will equal your investment in 7.17 months

what only businesses ROI is 3 to 8 months!

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Sounds good to me like sterling said if he is offer that deal seems he would be legit. Hope it works out I never find deals like that in my area. There very few bulk vendors around here. I guess that may be good for me LOL

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What kind of machines are they? If you have a clause to change the price if the collections have clearly been misrepresented, then it is a pretty solid deal. The locations are worth a great deal if they average that much, even without guarantees that you stay there, odds are you keep several and the collections are great. The very high collections number would certainly have impressed me.

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they are XYZ machines, he did give me several more GB wheels and about 10 regular wheels plus several Plexiglas fronts and dividers also. 

I will keep updating this with the numbers after I run them.

I was suppose to put 1 on location today that i got from a locator - but the owner said no - and he also said that his auto shop was very low volume so i wouldn't have made any money there at all anyways - soda, snack machines have come and gone from there. The person that okay the deal must have been a manager.

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