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Oops, were does thing go ?


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Hi yall. New to forum. I my brother had just got into bulk vending and bought some used XYZ triple heads. I got so intrested that I think I will be buying some machines when I move to Arkansass.

Any how, I was cleaning out one these machines. When i took the coin mechanism out, these little tabs fell out. I did not take the coin mechainism apart, so I just cant figure out were these go or how they even fell out. The machine seems be working fine though.


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Welcome to the forum! What you have there appears to be a washer detector or sometimes called a washer dog. I can't tell how big it is in the pic you posted but the shape is consistent with a washer dog.

Can you post a pic of the back of the coin mech? If I can see that I can tell you if thats it.


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Yep, thats what it is.

See that dark metal piece that is on the left (in photo) You will need to remove that screw and that piece of thin metal. Then place your washer dog there. Then replace the darker piece over the top of it and screw it in. That darker piece is thin and has a spring-like effect on the dog.



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They prevent the mech from turning in the event that some one tries to deposit something like a washer. At one point I had a machine that jammed up. When I opened it up I found a can tab caught in the washer detector.


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