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Gwen's Report


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This is my second month in vending and its not looking good. My best location a auto shop made $19.51. :DActually this location was one found by first choice. Second up  MotorSports with $14.25.:D Third up Granny's Grill with $11.25.:D Also by first choice. Hotel one with $11. Supply Place $8.75. Then Hotel #2 $ 8.35. The second machine at Motorsport with $7 and The worst of all An Auto shop with $1 dollar. I Change stuff around and requested relocation for that last. Yet on the bright side My husband went to the business right next to the worst location there is a good posibility on getting a new location there. It seems this is going to take forever to even get my investment back if this is all I'm getting every month. :(Let see how the changes work for us this next month.


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Thanks for the report Gwen. Unless I missed something it looks like you are averaging just over $10 a month. That's decent however there is room for improvement. Just don't get discouraged. It takes more than just a couple of months to really figure this business out. You are just now getting to the stage where you are probably realizing that its not as easy as placing machines and collecting quarters. Thats a good thing because it shows you are growing with this business.

Don't give up, we are all here to make sure you don't. If you need any advice make sure you ask! :)


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