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Vending in Virginia is Confusing Me


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Perhaps I need to step away from the  computer and come back with a new set of eyes but it seems to me that vending in Virginia is extremely complicated.

It seems like you need 25 different licenses and 12 different taxes and fees to pay.

I am not slow by any means and one phrase I am known for is "it's not that hard to figure it out!" but now I am kind of feeling that biting me in the butt.

If anyone would be so kind as to help guide me through the process I would appreciate it.

Here is what I can piece together for now-

-So I fill out the form R-1 for tax registration.

-I send in sales taxes every month.

-There seems to be additional taxes/fees that I can't quite pinpoint

-I need a certificate of registration for each county. I cannot find any info about this on my county's website. What exactly am I registering...

This may be a dumb question....

So if I am paying sales tax on earnings am I able to get a sales tax exemption slip if I buy stuff at Sams or Costco; or do I pay sales tax at the store and then pay it again to the state.

Any help would be appreciated because my head is spinning.

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I'm new to vending but I am familiar with your sales tax question. You can get a sales tax ememption number so you do not have to pay sales tax at Sams or wherever. But you do have to pay sales tax on merchandise sold. If you pay sales tax at Sam's and again on selling the item that is double taxation, which is no fun. At the end of the day you must pay sales tax on merchandise sold. Getting the tax emeption allows you to not pay tax twice.

With that being said, sales tax is completely seperate from taxes you must pay on the income from the business which will be treated differently depending on how you structure your company.

Hope this helps.

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