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Enjoy Charity Locations While You Can!


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I'm going to BUMP this post and ask this question:

Wouldn't all of this bumping be prevented if you had locked up the location(s) in question with a long term contract??? Isn't that what long term contracts are for? I mean hell, if commission or charity bulk machines can get the boot this easy, then why bother with the contracts?

Someone please give me some insight??

It's very unlikely that a small business is going to be able to sign a contract with you. A locally owned business is making it month-to-month. They could suddenly go out of business and your long term contract would be violated. If you approached management with a contract, they are most likely going to tell you no everytime or tell you to talk to someone else because you're turning a simple request into a very complicated situation with legal responsibility.

Sure, the big boys like NEN sign contracts. However, they are only signing these contracts with companies such as: Walmart, Dollar Tree, Mega Foods, etc. (All very large and stable companies that we have faith will be in business a long time).

We have to just suck it up and move on when we get kicked out. Of course it hurts, but you can choose to dwell over it or get out there and find a new location. It's one of those situations where you have to pick your battles.

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I have pushed many competitive "Charity" machines out by offering commission. Businesses are in the business of making money and offering them a portion of the take is a good way to keep your machines out of your garage.


I've gotten the competitor of my best location kicked out by offering better service and a 25% commission. However, I only offered the commission because I only thought it was fair because I was making a ton of money there. It was my excellent service that I sold him on. An empty and dirty Vendstar sat next to my full and clean Routemaster, it was a no-brainer to him. He was most impressed with my machine and that my candy was fresh; the commission was just the cherry on top!

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I've only been in this a year or so, but so far I can tell the minute you stop adding locations your business will begin to die. So the attitude I try to always have is my best locations may kick my out tomorrow, SO I NEED TO FIND REPLACEMENTS TODAY!

And that, I believe has kept me ahead of the curve.

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I've gotten the competitor of my best location kicked out by offering better service and a 25% commission. However, I only offered the commission because I only thought it was fair because I was making a ton of money there. It was my excellent service that I sold him on. An empty and dirty Vendstar sat next to my full and clean Routemaster, it was a no-brainer to him. He was most impressed with my machine and that my candy was fresh; the commission was just the cherry on top!

I agree 100 percent. It is a given that keeping a clean, attractive, well stocked machine is crucial at each location.

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