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What a day! - Strange how things turn out.


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Yesterday I was out locating, and I went at it with huge amounts of positive energy. After 10 straight NO´s, it was getting to me, so I started to slack at go for some of the smaller pizzashops, NO change: 10 MORE NO´s, (and those should be easy to get, most of them didnt even have machines).

So I was running out of time, but decided to stop by a little pizza place. They said Yes, and i located a double (PMM+GB) exclusive, I was very happy. So full of energy i marched into a cafe 75M from there. Its located right on the conrner of a train station, and BANG, I got it. Its a great location, so I am very happy about it.  Funny how I drove around for many miles, and then the 2 places I get, is within 75 meters.

What a day! - Strange how things turn out.

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Yesterday I was out locating, and I went at it with huge amounts of positive energy. After 10 straight NO´s, it was getting to me, so I started to slack at go for some of the smaller pizzashops, NO change: 10 MORE NO´s, (and those should be easy to get, most of them didnt even have machines).

So I was running out of time, but decided to stop by a little pizza place. They said Yes, and i located a double (PMM+GB) exclusive, I was very happy. So full of energy i marched into a cafe 75M from there. Its located right on the conrner of a train station, and BANG, I got it. Its a great location, so I am very happy about it.  Funny how I drove around for many miles, and then the 2 places I get, is within 75 meters.

What a day! - Strange how things turn out.


21 single heads, in 11 locations

35 singels i storage, but not for long!

Been doing this as a hobby for 2,5 months, want to do it fulltime. Goal this year 200 singels located.

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It really is, but I am keeping eys on the target: 200 singels out in stores, by the end of the year.

Best of luck to you!  Please keep us posted on how it is going and if you meet your goal.

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