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Just got off the phone with a manager of a sandwich shop.  I went and talked with her last week about placing a double or triple at the location.  She said "It sounds like a great idea!  Let me talk to the owner."

So, following up on the phone, she said "the owner says we don't have the funding for that".  I'm like "Wait!  What I do is free!  We make our money selling candy to your customers."  She says "Ohhhhh... let me give the owner a call and I'll have him call you right now."

WTF.  I haven't said anything that would have ever lead anyone to believe otherwise.  But I've heard this same objection several times already.  I kinda feel like I'm beating a dead horse when they say "But how much does it cost?"  I say "Free!  Everything is free!  We do all the work, we buy the product, we buy the machine, and we make money maintaining the machine."  I'm amazed how I literally have to say it 10 times before people understand what it is that I'm "selling".

I'm about to head down to a shirt place to have a polo shirt printed with the words FREE VENDING SOLUTIONS.

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I just re-read our sales literature that I gave to her and it included no fewer than 4 separate bullets that says not only "free" but "we're paying you to have our machines in your location".

"Commission bulk vending adds revenue to your bottom line."

"We do the heavy lifting while you collect a check."

"Quarterly payments."

"High margin products adding revenue to your bottom line using only unused space."

And yet she STILL thought she would have to pay me.  I really do need that shirt.

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