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Vending Rules to Live By

black panther

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Here is what I have gathered and been told.  Correct me if I am wrong or if can add anything but hope this helps others starting or considering the business.

3 things needed at start

  • Best machine
  • Best locations/route
  • Best product/product mix
Then once there and have those, 3 absolutes to live by in this business

  • Clean
  • Fair
  • Fresh
Know there is some difference of opinions on best machines but is up to individual and plans for their business.  But once you have these first 3 then need to have a clean and presentable "salesmen" aka your machine.  Nobody want to buy from something that is filthy.  Next is vend a amount that the customer will not feel ripped off and not return but still provide you a profit.  Lastly have and keep your product fresh.  If it is stale they will also be less likely to repurchase.

Simple yet have seen machines in my area that don't meet these 3 absolutes when I was looking around while investigating jumping in.  Simplistic list as there are plenty of other behind the scenes details but these are the big items that the customer sees.  Customer does not see warehouse membership, insurance, etc.  Plenty of other important details but must live by the 3 absolutes as was told to me.

Wish me luck in my start this year and Best wishes to you for 2008. 

Profitable Vending!!!

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On my machines it is impossible to increase my vend size to the point where I am not making at least 50% gross profit per vend.

I would say the most important is finding a location, and then finding the best machine for that location. I.E. big enough for a rack? small enough for single? Say no to candy so stickers or caps? etc.

As far as best product, there isn't one. I did a lot of research and based on it I choose PMM. Now I am seeing PMM do great at some places and poor compared to skittles, runts, or gum in another.

One thing I have learned is you don't know what machine you need until you have a location, and you don't know what product to vend until you have tried a few and seen what works best at that location.

The answer is there are no hard answers.

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