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Traveling with Locator


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I’m a new operator and will be working with a locator next week setting up my three-head machines at various locations around town.  The locator suggested I have the candy already in the machines, but the manufacturer, who offers a free consulting service because I bought their machines, suggested that the candy be put in when after I set the machine is at the location (while the locator is with me).


What are your thoughts?


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First off, Welcome to the forum! Please formally introduce yourself in the welcome section.

As for your question, check out the following thread. This question has been asked before and there are some great answers here. ==> http://www.vendiscuss.com/forums/view_topic.php?id=559&forum_id=1

I think it comes down to what you feel comfortable with. If you are placing triples I might be concerned about the weight of a fully loaded machine, especially if they are all metal.

There are good arguments for both sides however in my own experience, I load the machines prior to placement. I run only singles so weight is not an issue for me.

Once again, Welcome.


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  He only wants the candy ready to go so he can get the job done fast .  Remeber you are paying him so you can make the best profit.  I too traveled with the locator and had the containers ready big mistake most locations like to pick out thier own candy and  this will help witha happy relationship also helps out with knowing what the location likes !  Hope that helps.  If the locator gets mad that you did not fill them tell him you can use someone else there are many on this site to pick from .

 Welcome to the site !  Please post offten on this new adventure !

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Thanks Steve, I checked the link you suggested and I think I'll keep'm empty..I like the "freshness" idea.  How do I check in at the welcome section?




You can access the welcome section here ==> http://www.vendiscuss.com/forums/view_forum.php?id=2

Its located up above the bulk section in "VENDiscuss Community"



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I learned one thing about hiring locators,do some research and have the locations listed with the addresses and map to get to it quickley,insist on useing your list only. the quicker the locator gets done,they get paid and move on to the next vendor,so they want to get it done fast,and by going door to door. I spent $17,000 on a locater to place my machines,and 90% of the locations are crap,I will never let a locator pick the spots again.do not let the locater pick the spots,they will go door to door and you will end up with locations that have 1-2 workers and no walk in customers,and lots of small mom & pop shops,some that will not make it long and you will end up losing a machine when the company bites the dust.. I place my own machines now..also.do not let them pick the products,you need to decide which products you are going to use to start out  with stick with those,some of the products are expensive,but makes locating the machine easier for the locater and harder on you for the more expensive product when you are servicing them. some people get into bulk vending thinking all they have to do is place the machines and collect the money,, WRONG,theres a lot more to it than you think,its hard work if you want your machines to do well..

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17K on locatrors! I know you have a "boatload" of machines but that's a lot of capital to make up. I can see where locators can be useful for a quick expansion or if your time is limited. I firmly believe that if you are going to make a go of this business, being able to locate is a necessity. I recently purchased a small 10 location route  (for expansion  purposes) and have determined that at least half the locations should be changed, so I'll put on my locator hat and tweak this route.





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Locators are salesmen and like any good sales person they need to be tightly controlled. If you let them do it their way, they will run wild and leave you holding the bag.

This is one reason I hate to see people buy machines from "biz op" type companies that sell a "package" of machines and a locator's services. The locator has no vested interest in seeing your business do well.

Don't get me wrong, locators can be an excellent asset. Properly controlled they can help you grow very fast. But if you use one try to set up a relationship where he will have repeat business. That gives the locator an incentive to get you better stops.


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