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How many of you remembered to


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I sure didn't! Just cruising around on the forum and looked at the clock on the computer and it said 4:03am, looked at cellphone, 403 as well. Looked at alarm clock, 3:03am as well as the other clocks in the house. Googled it, and sure enough. Time change! Not quite used to the time change, Where I live we never ever changed our clocks until 3yrs ago!

Guess Its a good thing I'm still up! Wife would be late for work later this morning.:blink:

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I remembered! I had to be at work this morning so I made sure to have it done before I went to bed.

The only clock we have that didn't auto adjust was the one on the stove. Step in to the world of new electronics fellas.

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The only clock we have that didn't auto adjust was the one on the stove. Step in to the world of new electronics fellas.

Time Change? I didnt hear anything about a time change. Its not on my new 1999 playboy calendar!

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