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Glass Houses


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Hello All

I just placed a machine today in a resturaunt. This place has lots of windows. My machine is in front of the window. The machine is a Northwestern Super 60 with 1" gumballs. Am I in trouble here? Of course this place has air condition.

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It could be trouble but air conditioning will not help. It's the sun that will fade the coating on the gumballs and dry them out. They will also heat up but that will not hurt them as badly as direct sun shine. As mentioned above, a sun shade, that blocks out the sun, will be your only help.


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From the Tropics @ 9 degrees latitude and with crap locally produced gumballs:

You are in no trouble at all unless you don't turn them over fast enough or you have a case of high humidity AND intense UV. You mentioned air conditioning so the humidity factor is not relevant. This is only from my experience. Your mileage may vary depending on your driving habits. The other suggestions for shading should give you piece of mind especially if your inventory does not turn frequently in your locations. Nothing hurts your bottom line worse than stale or un-attractive product that won't sell.

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