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How shoestring can you go?


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Hi  -

I'm brand new to vending, though I've read alot, at least as much as I could for free online - that wasn't much - until I found this site. This place is great! I don't know why I didn't find it sooner.

Anyways, I'm wanting to start a route with a gumball or bulk candy machines. I'm very, very limited in budget for this project. Thinking about saving up to buy one machine and wait until it earns enough to buy a second. Then after that start using the profits from one machine to keep saving for more and from the other to be my profits. Or something like that. My question is if I start one at a time and make this project completely self funding after that how long would it take, would it even be worth it?


Thanks in advanced!!!!:dude:

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Starting that way is a long, slow process however, if you have to start with one machine and find a really good location, you could self fund your business and build it one machine at a time. The key words here are, "really good location". Think about it, if you are only getting $8 - $12 per month from a machine, how long will it take you to buy the second, third, fourth, etc.

It really depends on how much time you have to build your empire and the volume you are planning to reach. Write down your plan and follow it. That's the only way you will reach your goal.


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