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Break even point by location?


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Yeah, its me again! :D

Just wondering Jeremy, if you had plans to incorporate some sort of an income/expense pie chart per location shown on the location page? I thought it would be great to be able to see, at a glace and preferably on the location page itself, your I&E for each location.

This would also prove useful for determining your break even point for any given location. It would probably mean having to enter expenses on the location page or quite possibly just being able to assign an expense to a specific location on the expense page. 

I don't know how do-able this is, I'm just bouncing ideas off you.

Keep up the great work!


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That is an interesting idea, Steve.  You are correct that in order to do something like this you'd have to break down expenses to each location.  Then, of course, there will be the instance that one expense has to be split between two or more locations.  Technically, everything is "do-able" (with enough time, that is!)  ;)  This would be a good way to see the income - net income - for each location, though.  We'll have to explore this option.  But until then you'll still be able to pull the reports with Vend-Trak that show the gross income for each location.

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