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Coin Mech - Con Lux CCM5G

Ice Vending

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I put the wrong coin tube in a coin mech and vice versa. Now neither of coin mechs work. The yellow light flashes. Can I just reset both coin mechs or is the problem more serious?

Thank you to anyone who can help me....


The Conlux CCMG should accept whatever cartridge you put in the machine and automatically adjust for it. I assume the yellow light is the c/c light which means it doesn't like something with the cartridge. Try this, remove the cartridge, press the "a" button and let it cycle and press it again to stop it. Do this for every tube, replace the cartridge and see if it takes the new configuration.

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I will try it. I will let you know what happens. Thank you.

The Conlux CCMG should accept whatever cartridge you put in the machine and automatically adjust for it. I assume the yellow light is the c/c light which means it doesn't like something with the cartridge. Try this, remove the cartridge, press the "a" button and let it cycle and press it again to stop it. Do this for every tube, replace the cartridge and see if it takes the new configuration.

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