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possible scam

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Hey all,

While I cant find anything illegal about this I still think it is a bad way to generate business.

So heres the story:

Back in November I see a add in my local paper(chicago tribune) for a 10 machine snack/soda combo route for sale. The add says the route nets 50k per year. So I go ahead and call the number (a new york number) and the person I spoke with (his name and company shall remain nameless for the time being) tells me that the person who owns the route(in chicago) bought the machines from him brand new(x many months ago) had them placed and they are doing the 50k a year net. The problem is that owner of the route needs to sell the route due to a divroce settlement. Now the type of combos are 3k brand new and I go to ask how much they are asking for the route(it never had a price in the add) and he proceeds to tell me that they already have a offer for 50k. Thought this was a little odd since the add had only been in the paper for a few days but am like ok thats cool. He then makes no effort of trying to sell me on the existing route. Instead he goes into his sales pitch of trying to sell me new machines from the factory direct or however he does it. So I give him the ok Ill think about it answer.

Ok so now fast forward to the other day. I see the exact same add in the paper and knowing it was from the same people that had the last add I went ahead and called. Get the same guy and ask him if the route he had listed now was the same route from november. Without even answering anything about the route he once again goes into his sales pitch about buying new machines from him. After getting through all of his bs I finally got him to answer on the route and he tells me that no its a different route and that who ever bought the machines from him died and his relatives needed to get rid of them. He then proceeds to tell me that this route (which once again only has been in the paper a few days tops) already has a bid of 60k. After this he goes back once again into his sales pitch about the new machines and I just told him to email the info and that was it.

Ok so here is where I think the scam is although cant find anything illegal about it. If this is something that has been posted in the past sorry must not have seen it. Anyways I dont even think there is a route for sale. I think he prints the add and when people call tell them that there is a offer already put in on the route that is so high no one in their right mind would bid on. From that point once he realizes he has got someone interested in the vending biz he goes ahead and pushes off the new machines on them.

So is this something that is already known or has anyone had experience with this in the past? Would love to hear feedback on this.







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I think the only part that may be considered a scam is how they get you to call. They know that if you call, you are interested in a vending route. And that if the route is to much, or has a deposit on it, maybe you would be interested in buying some equipment to start your own business. An advertisement could say anything just to "catch" your attention. It caught 'your' attention didn't it? So it worked. I wonder how many people called about the route for sale and ended up buying some new vending equipment.

It probably works better than: VENDING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE


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I guess you could call his bluff and get all the info on the alledged route over the phone. Then say it sounds like a good deal and would offer a bid over the offer he stated to see what he would do. It does sound like a bait and switch borderline ad. Real Estate agents do it also. They will leave houses that have sold on their web site or listed in the free books you pick up at stores. Then when you call they say it has sold but they have a similar one they will show you. It's not like a car dealer would advertise a stripped down model on a tv ad and find out it was just sold before you got to the lot or anything.

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There's a company up here in Surrey, British Columbia, that uses Craigslist and Kijiji all the time for the same thing - constantly advertising routes (almost on a daily basis) that appear to be the *best* vending routes possible based on net income, but they are always gone when you call.  However, they always have something else to sell you - an unlocated machine! 


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