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I have about 60 triple head candy machines on location, and also some in my house. I need to find locations for the rest of them. I'm with a Charity Association but I don't know how to get a good locations without having to pay again. I need to start finding locations on my own. Any suggestions?

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I have about 60 triple head candy machines on location, and also some in my house. I need to find locations for the rest of them. I'm with a Charity Association but I don't know how to get a good locations without having to pay again. I need to start finding locations on my own. Any suggestions?

Grab your Nike's and just do it...

Its a numbers game where most of the success is just being at the right place at the right time (catching the owner there). The best 'charity' locator I ever heard about used humor as his main 'overcoming objections' strategy...quite often the person who is there is not the owner/boss and will be hesitant to give the 'ok'. An effective response is to have a casual, relaxed attitude with a smile and say something to the effect of 'its just a snack (or gumball) machine, most often we just drop them off on a trial basis and if you like then it stays. We pass right by here once or twice a month already'...

And don't take any rejection personally, this 'locating' is just what you happen to be doing now and has nothing to do with who you as a person.

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