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Suggested product selection for a rack


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Hi everyone,

It appears that I may have a couple of racks in my future! I'v been strictly candy adn gumballs to this point and I am really excited to get into toy vending. i'm just so confused with all the selections and prices. I've made a few other posts and people have been really helpful with toy ideas. Here's the question. do you guys have a "standard" product configuration for racks? If so what is it?

I'm looking for ideas for a 5 headed rack adn a 7 headed rack. thank you.

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Toy vending and rack vending can be tricky with only a few locations. Regions/areas might sell out one toy and be a flop n anothe. My point is that what sells good for me might not do well for you. But to answer ur question on 2 inch giant sticky mix is always a good seller also 45/49 mm bb's do well, i would start all 2 inch at. 75 cents, bb's at A buck is even better. Shipping on them will eat into ur profits unless you buy a pallet at a time. On 1 inch go with 50 cents and i have good luck with mustaches, acyrlic rings, california gold. Self Vend mix, jelly flingers to name a few. Good luck i hope this helps

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