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How to hire a in person locator


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Well I trying to think of a way to build my business... With my 50 hour work weeks. And having Sundays and Mondays off, I'm only left with really one day of self locating. So I'm thinking about looking for an in person locator but. Don't really know how to go about it.. Do I put an ad out.. Look in the local newspaper.. What keywords would I use to google.. I'm doing commission base and trying to locate two racks.. If you were me, how would you go about it??thanks

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Really? I guess I miss that I haven't had to use a locator yet.. Put am thinking about it... I know it's a crap shoot when using them. I do have a few locator numbers that I've gotten off this board and a few members here... Thanks for pointing that out for me.. I'm having pretty good luck locating myself and once my wife gets it down she will be going solo when I'm at work.. We both went yesterday an got one more account.. Installing after work today..

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there's about 5 decent locators that you could try, i only have experience with two of them but everyone's experience is different. I know you probably heard this already but locating yourself is best, you know the best places where you want to be, and sometimes paying a locator for a OK spot is not your best bet, when that rack could be making so much more, even if it takes you a little more time to place. at least if you do use a locator only order 1 at a time so if the locator totally fails you don't have you life savings riding on it.

Also how many racks are you trying to locate, or are you just buying as you locate

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Thanks for the link.. I pm JLM a few days ago.. And got the locator info.. To answer you first. Reply... I have about 5 racks and three sticker machine and a few spare a&a heads.. If been looking for deals on CL and found a guy with a stock pile of machine.. And we been buying here and there.. I've located all my racks myself... But want to be able to locate more than just one day a week.. I'm thinking my avg is for every 13 places say NO I get one YES and even tho a locator won't give me the best location.. But I'm sure there better than in my garage... We have one more rack to locate and two sticker machine and one stand alone 2in on a stand to locate... We enjoy going out and locating just we work a lot of hours durning the week.. So if a locator can pick up a few spots when we can't get out there then I will call it good... I want to have 20 racks on location is my plan

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most will do commission also, you just have to call and check.

This is news to me. Members here have been looking high and low for a locator that will locate commission racks. Kelly used to do it and was very good but I don't think he's doing it any more.

There is always the possibility of upgrading a charity spot you get from a locator to a commission rack but that doesn't happen too often. Locators tend to target the smaller locations and they usually already have vending machines.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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i think these do racks, also check with JLM Vending, supposedly he knows someone who as he quotes "is the best" cant comment on that but i guess worth a try

No commission no racks.. That's why I'm thinking of hiring a person... Who has exper. In sells and can hit the streets while I'm at work...

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This is news to me. Members here have been looking high and low for a locator that will locate commission racks. Kelly used to do it and was very good but I don't think he's doing it any more.

There is always the possibility of upgrading a charity spot you get from a locator to a commission rack but that doesn't happen too often. Locators tend to target the smaller locations and they usually already have vending machines.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

My mistake, i know Eddie B told me he will do racks, NED Av. said he will do racks. for some reason i thought bargain locators did them also. I didn't mean to steer anyone in wrong direction. this is just what those two locators told me. depending where you live it may be difficult to find an in person locator, though around me theres always someone advertising it on CL.

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I would not use bargin locators they ripped me off 90.00. In person locating is a hit or miss as far as hiring someone. I know someone who hired an in person locator who is very reputible and the locator did place 13 racks in 7 days for him but charged 150.00 per rack. Also, the in person locators locations are no different then telemarketers. I know the guy that paid for the 13 racks I think his highest location is like 40.00

I would locate myself if i were you

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  • 2 months later...

No commission no racks.. That's why I'm thinking of hiring a person... Who has exper. In sells and can hit the streets while I'm at work...

Hey Donovon did you find someonw locally? Did it work out? Just looking for an update :)

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For my bulk side... I went with myself... I interviewed a few on the phone but in the end.. Im sole... I did go with an inperson locator with my snackboxs.. Mainly because its different type of locating... Went out 4 day and got good idea of where to locate and how to get my foot in the door... We did get 12 location so far...The best place that i know of to find an in-person, is CL we put an ad out and got many reply... But be careful... If you choose to hire someone to locate for you.. They are representing your company, most locators dont care how they get your machine in a location... And can be very pushy... Rude... Or lie... And in the end can have negitive impact on your business....

Little advise, from what i've learned, so far about getting location..

Just do it... The more you go out and locate.. The easier it becomes..... Never just try one location... Set a goal for 10 location to hit...

Takes me about 4 hours to hit 10...

Owner's love pictures... Get a nice folder together.. Pictures of different types of locations,machine's, and product.. This will help with your pitch... I find when im about to stumble on my words.. I just start pointing to pictures and it help smooths it along.. For example in my folder i have pictures of a pizzeria, taqueria, and a grocery store... With my machine in the location.. This shows the owner that i have other locations like his... Seem to make them more comfortable about having a machine in their location...

Money gets YES... If you really want a location.. And find it hard to close the deal... Give the owner the money... Ive done this twice.. And both times its worked... Most i gave a loaction was 50$... But i knew i would make it pack on my frist pull and i did... :)

Last thing dont be a saleman.. Be a real person when u talk to the owner... You will have better luck...

If your still thinking in-person is what you want to try... Id suggest a retired person.. Lots of time on the hands... And u can get them cheaper than a young gun... My guy charges 20$ per location but thats snack boxs... People that locate bulk it 100$ or more....

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