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don't use eddie for locations. he does not deliver


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i paid him janurary 27 at night. for 3 locations

he acknolaged the payment the 28th.

he said that it should be done in about a week.

2 weeks went by and nothing, not even a single location.

i told him at this point to isue me a refund if he was going to be unable to produce.

he emails me back and gives me a sob story that family comes before business.

the following day he gets me 3 locations. one says yes, ones says no because of corperate, and one never heard of me or the contact person provided.

since then it has been silent from him.

yesterday i emailed eddie to get a partial refund for the 2 undelivered locations.

he tells me the 2 that said no were my fault and he wount refund me.

my credit card company gives a 30 day time limit for chargebacks.

and yes i did file one yesterday.

i konw others have had problems with other locators.

wondering if anyone else has had the similare problems with eddie

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I had placed on order for 25 locations from eddie. I paid him upfront for half. After 3 months he was only able to produce 6 placeable locations.

After communicating with eddie he did issue a refund and gave me back the money.

Eddie does good work and if things dont work out he will refund your money if it does.

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It often seems unfair to these locators that people tend to post a bad experience but rarely post from a good experience.

Eddie (or any other locator) could please his client 99 out of 100 times, but somehow the 1 bad time makes it to these boards.

I've been very happy with the orders I have placed with Eddie.

I recently placed an order with Eddie for just three locations but I needed all three before I went on vacation. Eddie worked with me on that request. And in a VERY short turn around time, he had the three locations for me. Placement of the machines was a perfect three for three. You can't beat it!

I placed the machines in less than 24 hours after they were e-mailed to me. (I often think that sometimes the vendors themselves wait too long to go to the locations and that loses the benefit of the original locator call. Also, the vendor should be taking the name of the person that approved the machine when they go to the establishment for placement. I'd also recommend dressing appropriately and carrying yourself in a professional manner.)

I'm going to keep locating with Eddie. I'm going to act professional when I approach the locations. And I'm going to get machines placed.

Anyway, my two cents.

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It often seems unfair to these locators that people tend to post a bad experience but rarely post from a good experience.

Eddie (or any other locator) could please his client 99 out of 100 times, but somehow the 1 bad time makes it to these boards.

I've been very happy with the orders I have placed with Eddie.

I recently placed an order with Eddie for just three locations but I needed all three before I went on vacation. Eddie worked with me on that request. And in a VERY short turn around time, he had the three locations for me. Placement of the machines was a perfect three for three. You can't beat it!

I placed the machines in less than 24 hours after they were e-mailed to me. (I often think that sometimes the vendors themselves wait too long to go to the locations and that loses the benefit of the original locator call. Also, the vendor should be taking the name of the person that approved the machine when they go to the establishment for placement. I'd also recommend dressing appropriately and carrying yourself in a professional manner.)

I'm going to keep locating with Eddie. I'm going to act professional when I approach the locations. And I'm going to get machines placed.

Anyway, my two cents.

You are correct, the ones who are satisfied rarely post positive reviews anymore. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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