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New... Starting off with a Munch Box Machine.


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Hello! I am super new to the whole vending machine business. I guess you could say I inherited a Munch Box Machine. I have read all the posts pertaining to these machines, and as they are not the best machine.... hey it was free and I am willing to give it a shot.

Being that I am so new (I haven't even obtained a business license yet) I am trying to figure out what I can do with this machine and how I can turn a profit so I can buy more candy machines :)

A few questions, I hope you wouldn't mind taking a second to answer:

Am I good to repackage items (so they will dispense)? I was considering putting this is my old college apartment laundry facility... Using half the machine for candy and the other half for dryer sheets, soap, etc. Is it ok to put the items in little matchbox size boxes so they will dispense? Is it (this may sound dumb) illegal to buy a pack of dryer sheets and make my own little boxes for them and sell them individually?

Is there a way to set it so it is $0.50 instead of $0.25?

I need to have the lock replaced because I have no idea where the key is, any advise is appreciated. Do I need a locksmith to replace it or is it something I could figure out myself?

How often do you all check on your machines?

I have seen that some people say they don't ask for permission to put their machines in really large office buildings with a lot of businesses in them (because I guess they assume it was ok'd by someone)... this seems a little risky. But is there a consequence (besides having your machine possibly stolen)?

I really want to spray paint it pink and black, are there certain colors that are better than others? I really want to get their attention, but would using pink deter men from using it? Also I would love to put some glittery accents on it too!

Do you include your company name on the machine?

I am so excited to try this out! Thank you all for your input :)

April ;D

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What model is it? The later model "can" be upgraded, but you'd really have to monkey with it to fit a new mech in there. I've never considered it, as the darn things haven't made me $10.00 yet. As to repackaging things to dispense properly, there are a number of ways to get them to work better. One thing I found was to use scrap Styrofoam to make little "bars" that I could affix to some of the more stubborn product, and that gave the mechanism something to push on, and brought down my misvend count some. Another option the guy before me (previous owner) was taking these little plastic sleeves, and then putting the most stubborn items (M&M mini bags and such) into those, and then it operates like a charm. I have a handful left, and they have no identification on them. I know they weren't made for vending, but I have no idea what they were made for originally either. Locks, thankfully, are fairly easy to replace. I replaced the ones on my unit for about $10.00. You can buy standard cabinet locks from a hardware store, and then just attach the old latch to the new lock. Tighten the screw, and you're done in 5 minutes.

I check my MB machine at least once a week. Because of the way the mechanism is built, if some idiot tries to force it between selections, it will jam up, and remain stuck until I open it up and clear the mechanism. The last thing you want is a machine sitting out making you no money. That is my biggest complaint with the MB machines, they aren't very reliable unless people operate them properly. (Meaning kids aren't messing with it).

As to placing in a business without permission, I think the best case scenario is your machine is stolen. While some may differ on this opinion, I can think of a lot of terrible things that can happen to you which will put you out of business for good, so locate professionally. Treat your locations as good or better than you would want your business to be treated. It's only right.

Wow, this is long. As to painting/detailing, it's hit and miss. I suppose a crazy-colored machine might be frowned upon by some establishments, but I haven't seen a huge return on machines that have had the extra work put in either. Now, a lot of guys have the pro painted powder coat jobs done on their machines, and they look very professional, so I guess it all goes with the "vibe" you want your route (or just that machine) to put out.

Label your machines. You will want a number for them to call, an email address, or possibly both to inform you of potential malfunctions (and you will get those calls) as well as you name. I'd include a vending business name if you have it. Your customers need to be able to contact you, and the machine needs to state very clearly who owns it.

Welcome to the vending business April, sorry for the long-winded reply. I get caught up in it sometimes! If you ever need some help with that MB machine, PM me! I'll do my best to help you out!

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Hello! I am super new to the whole vending machine business. I guess you could say I inherited a Munch Box Machine. I have read all the posts pertaining to these machines, and as they are not the best machine.... hey it was free and I am willing to give it a shot.

Being that I am so new (I haven't even obtained a business license yet) I am trying to figure out what I can do with this machine and how I can turn a profit so I can buy more candy machines :)

A few questions, I hope you wouldn't mind taking a second to answer:

Am I good to repackage items (so they will dispense)? I was considering putting this is my old college apartment laundry facility... Using half the machine for candy and the other half for dryer sheets, soap, etc. Is it ok to put the items in little matchbox size boxes so they will dispense? Is it (this may sound dumb) illegal to buy a pack of dryer sheets and make my own little boxes for them and sell them individually?

Is there a way to set it so it is $0.50 instead of $0.25?

I need to have the lock replaced because I have no idea where the key is, any advise is appreciated. Do I need a locksmith to replace it or is it something I could figure out myself?

How often do you all check on your machines?

I have seen that some people say they don't ask for permission to put their machines in really large office buildings with a lot of businesses in them (because I guess they assume it was ok'd by someone)... this seems a little risky. But is there a consequence (besides having your machine possibly stolen)?

I really want to spray paint it pink and black, are there certain colors that are better than others? I really want to get their attention, but would using pink deter men from using it? Also I would love to put some glittery accents on it too!

Do you include your company name on the machine?

I am so excited to try this out! Thank you all for your input :)

April ;D

Not sure what type of vending machine you are vending with but there are no laws or limits to what you can vend as long as there is no money given out. Or a chance to win money.

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