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I wasn't quite sure where to post this in here, but I am making a spreadsheet in excel to track my honor boxes. However, I my mind has gone completely blank on how to figure out percentages. My columns are as follows: items delivered, items left in box, money due, money collected, money shortage, short percentage, cost of goods, profit. My problem is I can't figure how to get the percentage from the money due column minus the money short column. Example: I delivered 31 products, 3 were left in the box, 28.00 was due, 25.00 was collected, so it was short $3.00. Hopefully someone can help me out here.

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The formula would be...


Where B1 represents what was collected and A1 represents what you expected. You simply have to edit this to use the column and row numbers applicable to you.

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The formula would be...


Where B1 represents what was collected and A1 represents what you expected. You simply have to edit this to use the column and row numbers applicable to you.

Wouldn't the formula be =B1/A1-1?

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