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There is so much negativity out there, I just wanted to give a feedback of something that shows there are still good people out there. Every time I place a refilled honor box on location, I always leave a little sticky note indicating how much they were short the week before. Well I have a radiator place and they were $5.00 short so l left a note, well when I went back the next week i go the box home and pulled out the money and there was a note that said: "Hi I dont want to give my name, but I am an employee here and I hate the fact that someone stole from this box. This is a very kind thing that you do so myself and another employee added some money to hopefully cover the shortage. Thanks again." Well when I counted the money, there was $15.00 more than there was supposed to be. Needless to say I was blown away by this and realize this is definitely the business for me because of people like this

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