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Locations Closing


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Has anyone experienced any business were your machine was located closing?  I have just recently had this experience, at 3 out of 30 locations!  This seems unusually high (10%) to me.  I'm new to the vending business so any insight in how to deal with this would be appreciated.



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I am no expert but just like any bussiness things go in and things go out, with the ecomany the way it is you will see alot of bussiness go out, try to keep a good relationship with all your locations, make sure you service on time and take a min or two to talk to the people there, and you will get alot of info you might not otherwise, also make sure all your machines are clearly marked as to belonging to you.

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Has anyone experienced any business were your machine was located closing?  I have just recently had this experience, at 3 out of 30 locations!  This seems unusually high (10%) to me.  I'm new to the vending business so any insight in how to deal with this would be appreciated.



yup, had the same happen to me last month.  Lost 3 machines out of 40 myself.  Also lost 4 other locations for various reasons: asked to leave because of stains on the floor, poor performers, owners' kids were damaging my machine, etc.
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DJI >>>  I am so sorry this has happen .  I took good care of these lacation and talked them all up whenI went into these location I am really disapointed NONE of the three location try to contact me since it is my # on all the machines that went out of bussiness for you.  I live near the Imperial Gardens so I will try to keep and eye on them for ya.


As for the econmany it seems as here in Pittsburgh alot more location go out of business jez since this route has been started Last late Aug. of 2007 at least 12 or more locations has went out of business!

DJI ..>> I e-mailed ya some new location to put them in tell me how that goes for ya .

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