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Honesty of candy machine locators


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Hello all,

My cousin entered the vending business world totally unprepared about what was required to start and maintain a profitable venture. She used a 'professional' locator who insisted that my cousin remain in the car while the pitch was made. The locator was provided (for a fee) by the vending machine company, which I will not name.   

My cousin would like me to join her in this business which is in a tailspin after only a year.  I would consider it but all of the research I've attempted on the subject has been met with vague information and endless sales pitches.

Would anyone (hopefully a professionallocator) care to reveal what might be told to business owners to persuade them into allowing placement of candy machines in their establishments?  I am more interested in machines which have a charitable affiliation, rather than offering a percentage of the profits.







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Stay tuned here..There is no shortage of help available here..

I am fairly new to the business and have learned plenty over the last 6 months.  I also used a locater service for my first 16 machines...within one month I had decided to move 10 of the 16 and I accomplished this over the following two months...I secured the locations and moved the machines all by myself.

The locating is not hard..the CONFIDENCE in yourself to make the pitch and ASK the question is usually the hardest part...Even for me..I still would rather have someone else do it..BUT I know that the only way to get the spots I want is to do it myself..

Spend a few days here reading the extensive posts and asking questions...you will gain knowledge quickly...The Confidence thing is up to you.

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Spend a few days here reading the extensive posts and asking questions...you will gain knowledge quickly...The Confidence thing is up to you.


100% right on the money Jay-Son. am also new and have learned soooooo much. Just start reading everything you can on here. I have looked through post after post the last couple of days and learned a lot. Use the search function on any questions you have and see if they have been answered. Ask what you cant find. If you find something uncovered let us learn by sharing it.


Good luck


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We have a locator rating page, this has alot of great info about how everyone has done with alot of different pro locators, some good alot bad, you can learn alot from other peoples mistakes, I have been in this since march, and with help from locators, friends, family, and a local person I have been able to locate 23 so far. This site is the best info I have found, be active, talk with others and you will get all your questions answered. Good Luck and welcome


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Wlecome to the forum Katherine!

Click on the Vending 101 tab on the homepage, and you'll find the thread "Introductions and Scripts". It has a ton of good information about making your pitch to business owners.

I'm a newbie too and love this site--it's loaded with specific information on just about every vending-related topic you can imagine, and the members are some of the friendliest people on the planet. You'll get a lot of help here.


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You have done the best thing by joining here. Now you need to read all that you can that others have posted that might pertain to your situation. If you have questions along the way then ask away. You may find in the end it is not for you but give it a shot. This is not a business for everyone but everyone here loves it and will help you all that they can with answers.

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Welcome Aboard!

We're like the rest.  Just starting out in Jersey with Dentyne ICE / Certs machines.  We used a locator for about half our machines. These were out-of-state so they just phoned business to get us in. The others were refered. Which is a big cost savings over using a locator. You just have to ask.

Glad we found this site. The information is awesome.  


2 Dentyne Ice

3 Doubles

2 Certs

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