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Look guys those who paticipate great yall know who you are. Post TOPICS reply .Noone here knows it all . We have a great site site here . Those of you who only view and never post or reply aint contributing to the rest who do. Express yourself give us your opinions please.Reply to the posts.Share tips utlize this site to the fullest and that done by all thats apart of this posting replying and informing.In my opinion if you only take from here and never give back thats kind of like stealing.

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lbizzell78 wrote:

Noone here knows it all .

SPEAK FOR YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






OK OK so I was wrong once. But I learned and now I am never wrong. I know it all. OK OK so I am kidding. You are right why read and gain all the info when you could learn, teach, and build the forum. Its a win/win situation. You learn, we learn. Thanks for the poste. This newbe needs to learn a LOT!

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Some people are just lurkers and you will always have a percentage that just sponge information. Some might have ideas to add but another person beat them to it. As for knowing it all I have always said I know a little bit about everything and for the rest I google it ;)

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I don't always feel compelled to reply. If there's a subject I feel passionate about I will reply. Sometimes I'm just looking for something to read or don't have anything worth contributing and that is okay. Like you, I was very eager to get all the information I possibly could. It takes time, and even with all the knowledge you get here, you will still learn new things, AKA making mistakes. Larry, I have to say, I really love you willingness to learn. That alone will help you so much along your vending journey. Everyone used to say knowledge is power. I don't believe that! Knowledge is only potential power. If you don't use it, it's useless. You could have a brand new Lamborghini sitting in your garage, but what good is it if you never get in the driver's seat.

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Look guys those who paticipate great yall know who you are. Post TOPICS reply .Noone here knows it all . We have a great site site here . Those of you who only view and never post or reply aint contributing to the rest who do. Express yourself give us your opinions please.Reply to the posts.Share tips utlize this site to the fullest and that done by all thats apart of this posting replying and informing.In my opinion if you only take from here and never give back thats kind of like stealing.

lol did u wake up on the wrong side of the bed?  I don't worry about what others are doing. The moment you start doing that, you waste time and lose focus on your own goals.

Recently, I read an article or book, can't remember which, about how someone in competitive sports or anything wins. They never lose sight , stay focused , get in the zone and have blinders on.  That's how you succeed at anything you do.

All people are different and if they don't want to post then they don't have to.  You know, some people are shy  and don't feel comfortable , like to stay in the background.

Respectfully,  "mind your own business"

No nice way to put it.


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I wanted to see how well our Charter members fared so I was looking at the odds to win in the Charter Member contest. Out of the 100 Charter members 29 have not been back or made a post and 7 of them have only made 2 posts. In general we have 333 members that have never made a post. Granted there may be some new joiners but the majority have been here awhile. There are 47 that have only made 2 posts and 30 that have made 3 posts. That is almost half that seems like they never came back. We seem to have 410 members with 3 or less postings that are lurking so to speak. Perhaps we should do some house cleaning in the basement.

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OK guys im with my man beer on this but anyway ,I hate to offend  you  ladies lol but how can you be shy on the internet . you not in person talking to someone but anyway blah blah blah! i think everyone should post something or maybe reply give some output.Hey Im not here to argue  with you just stating whats factual to me which maybe not to you. Opinions are like an anus most of have one and often many imitates them! Peace

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