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i have been seeing a lot about triples, would that bring up the numbers per location  or would it stay the same or go down? I have never ran triples but I know I can get a base that  I can  put my heads on.

        But  does it really make a diffrence.


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Like most things in life it depends. I am new to the vending  business but for what I've seen it depends on location. Some locations may dictate the use of a triple as the foot traffic and buying activity can handle a triple. Some locations don't warrant the use. In these cases, you run the risk of food spoilage and therefore lost revenue. My rule of thumb starting off and when looking at a location for a triple, I look at competition and foot traffic. If there is a 10 way rack with little foot traffic why waste your time? If you get an employee break room with 150 employees with no other competition then it may be worth it. Just look at the location and think to yourself if I filled this sucker up with candy will the foot traffic buy it and will the competition in the location (if applicable) allow this to survive. Hopefully that helps out from a new guy perspective. I'm sure the veterans here can help out a lot more.

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I agree with casey's comments.


I'd also add that sometimes a location has only so many quarters.

And even with no other equipment around, a triple will not provide the additional earnings to make stocking a 3rd item in that location even worth it.

That was my experience whenever I upgraded a double location to a triple.


I recommend you don't start with a triple in a new location if you are doing only candy/gum.

If you won't be able to sell flat or toys in a location, then a single or double is better for learning what the business will support and what customers like or don't like.

Once earnings and customer-preferences can be verified, only then would I consider an upgrade in the number of items I offer.




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