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Has anyone tried honor boxes?


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I know that this is really in the wrong thread for the topic, but I can't seem to get a solid answer elsewhere. I know there are a lot of people who have never done honor boxes and blindly say you will get robbed so badly that it will a complete waste of time. I also hear wild stories of success.  I would like to know from anyone who has actually done snack honor boxes if they were or are profitable for you and if you would reccommend doing it?


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They do have an electric honor box now with a magnetic strip reader. You can issue vending debit type credit cards. You pass them out and they put change in the machine then swipe the card to load it with the money they just put in. No idea of what the price is because you have to request a quote for X ammount of machines.

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I know there has been controversy over donation boxes. I really don't see why. It is no different than a bulk vending machine. We give a portion of the money to our charity. We do have very legitimate expenses. Fuel, candy, supplies, and our time all add up. Kyle, my AIM is JosephRLeik, is it ok if I PM you if I see you online? I have some questions.

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