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Locations with other machines.


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Question for those of you who do your own locating. I have been doing research on locations around and have noticed that it seems like a lot of locations that seem like would be money makers already have machines. When locating what do you guys do when a location already has machines? Is it worth going in and trying to get your machine placed with another machine at the location? I guess im looking for some feedback on what you do and then when u have a machine located with other machines how do they perform?


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I have a taqueria location (Mexican restaurant) that has an 8 select Uturn, an Eagle double/3 column sticker, a Beaver 4 way, a Vendstar and my Beaver toy double.  It does above average because the other vendors still haven't figured out that only toys sell well in this location.  I've tried candy, gumballs and toys; and toys have shown every month to be the winner here.  It really depends because I have other locations overrun with competition and my sales are awful.  Your best bet if you're locating yourself, is to just try and place one anyways.  Doesn't cost you anything to try it out.  If you can't make any money there, then pull it; but give it a chance because if you show the management that you can do a better job than the competition, than they may kick out the competitors for your service exclusively.

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Question for those of you who do your own locating. I have been doing research on locations around and have noticed that it seems like a lot of locations that seem like would be money makers already have machines. When locating what do you guys do when a location already has machines? Is it worth going in and trying to get your machine placed with another machine at the location? I guess im looking for some feedback on what you do and then when u have a machine located with other machines how do they perform?


Time to develop salesmanship skills. Locating isn't just going around asking people if they want a machine. That's part of it, but u have to learn to sell ur business. What puts ur company ahead of the competiton,what are their weak points, how can you impove the location owners bottom line, or make their life easier, etc ... by chosing ur services over the competition. Make them *want* to do business with you.

Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch Q using Tapatalk 2

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Question for those of you who do your own locating. I have been doing research on locations around and have noticed that it seems like a lot of locations that seem like would be money makers already have machines. When locating what do you guys do when a location already has machines? Is it worth going in and trying to get your machine placed with another machine at the location? I guess im looking for some feedback on what you do and then when u have a machine located with other machines how do they perform?


If your doing charity vending watch out. One other vendor in a location is fine but when you start having a bunch of vendors usually what happens is that the location gets sick of it at some point and kicks everyone and one of the other vendors will usually try and grab your machine on the way out.

If your doing commission vending its fine because it shows you the location is at least receptive to vending. Have some flyers of different machine set-ups and pitch the location on whatever good producing machine the location dosent have.

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If your doing charity vending watch out. One other vendor in a location is fine but when you start having a bunch of vendors usually what happens is that the location gets sick of it at some point and kicks everyone and one of the other vendors will usually try and grab your machine on the way out.

If your doing commission vending its fine because it shows you the location is at least receptive to vending. Have some flyers of different machine set-ups and pitch the location on whatever good producing machine the location dosent have.


I've had the exact opposite experience.  What I've found is that charity locations just don't care about having the machines there or not; where as commission locations want to make money with you.  More equipment at a commission location means less available space and spreading out the quarters amongst more machines.

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Its happened to me more than a few times, new dm comes in, whatever.  Also locations closing, when a bunch of other vendors there its a good chance you'll lose a machine. Even if none of that happens when a bunch of vendors are together machines get moved or messed with etc.


Why bother with a charity spot with 3-4 guys, theres enough good locations in my area where you can be the only operator or 1 of 2 operators, especially with everybody doing toys now.


My opinion- Would only be worth it in an exceptional location, Grocery store, dollar store etc.

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