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Merry Christmas TVF Family! :)

Locators R Us

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Dear TVF Customers,

As 2013 draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your business. We are honored to be your partner in your business. At LRU, we value your loyalty, trust, and confidence, and I am excited to be leading this dynamic company into the New Year. As we embark upon 2014, we pledge to continue to provide you with the best service as possible.

Despite a few setbacks we experienced, we succeeded in establishing several milestones throughout the year, and we would like to thank you for keeping us your number 1 choice to do your locating.

A satisfied client gives us satisfaction. Our team wishes you a Merry Christmas Season with great happiness in spirit of friendship and good health! 

Merry Christmas Everyone :)

-Gale and LRU Team

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