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Two machines at one location


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We have a Longhorn's that is doing great. We placed a triple there and it is making about $5/day. When we placed it there was another machine there, but I guess it doesn't have the candy they like and they aren't happy with how it is being serviced.

So, when we went in there to service it the other day they asked us to put another triple in there and called the owner of the other machine and asked him to remove it.

That is all good :)

My question is, is this an ok way to do things. I've read here that if you are doing well on a triple you should install a rack. The only problem is we really don't want to get into racks and I'm not sure there is enough space for one - 2 triple seem to take up less space than a rack would.

Anyone else have 2 triples in a location instead of a rack?



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I just had the same situation happen to me this past week.... I had 2 double heads in one pizza parlor and when i asked to put a rack in they said it would be too much space even though in reality its not that much space at all. If i were you i would insert another triple....... now word of advise you could approach the owner and ask to insert a rack but a rack shipped to you would be way more expensive than another pipe stand.....just keep in mind people like rack but they are expensive..... keep it simple i would put 2 triples........ What rest. did u say this ws

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We have a Longhorn's that is doing great. We placed a triple there and it is making about $5/day. When we placed it there was another machine there, but I guess it doesn't have the candy they like and they aren't happy with how it is being serviced.

So, when we went in there to service it the other day they asked us to put another triple in there and called the owner of the other machine and asked him to remove it.

That is all good :)

My question is, is this an ok way to do things. I've read here that if you are doing well on a triple you should install a rack. The only problem is we really don't want to get into racks and I'm not sure there is enough space for one - 2 triple seem to take up less space than a rack would.

Anyone else have 2 triples in a location instead of a rack?



Yvette Wrote:

I have both a triple and a quad in one of my locations.  The quad was owned by another vendor servicing that same location but he decided to sell it to me when the owners let me place a triple at the same location.  Now I have a triple and a quad at the same location and they are both doing well.  However, the owner just let someone place a single there also.  Maybe I can buy them out also.  I've been at the location for over three (3) years and they know me well.


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You have a great account there if it is doing $5/day. It sounds like the account really likes the way you do business. I would give him what ever they ask for. I started with triples a year ago and have doubled up in many accounts. I will attach a picture of the rack I use if you don't want to take up to much more room. The footprint for two triples will be the same for the rack. These racks come from gumballmachinefactory.com but you can buy them just about anywhere.

As you can see, I doubled and did it again. This is a DQ.


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For some reason I thought they had a breakroom in the back, I used to deliver beer to one. I have a Longhorn here and it sounds like you have it near the kitchen/bathroom area if yours is designed like our place. There is not a lot of room there so I am surprised they asked for another machine to add to the space. My other thought was the UTurn machine, either a 4 or 8 as an alternative.

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