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Saeco 200 problem


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Hi guys, 


My machine is still down that I told you about last time. It gets power to the bottom on the dollar part but it is not getting power to the top portion that operates the machine. It's really weird.


Does anyone out there have access to the service manual. Not the operators manual for regular service, but like a technicians manual so I can get the specs on where the fuses may be or troubleshoot?

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What do you mean the top?

when I look up seaco 200 manuals all I see is the counter top model.

do you know how to use a multi testor?

get one and test each part at it's power point and the harness.

at the point you get no power reading is prolly a open in the circuit.

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Yes, I have a friend who is going to help me with the multi meter. I was hoping to find something that showed where the fuses are at. 

I moved the wires for the water pump from the tank to what I thought might operate the water pump from the wall or direct water line. It didn't work so I put them back in the same order and now the machine will not power up the coffee making system. There is power on both circuit boards, I see them both lit up front and back, but for some reason there is a disconnect in the electrical. When I power off and power on, the dollar intake fires up and then that's it. It used to cycle through the coffee warming etc, but now it is not even getting power to that and it won't let me do any servicing with the buttons on the inside. It's like there's a block in there. 


I have found a few authorized service centers but I am sure this is something simple like a fuse. 

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yeah, I don't even see fuses in the manual.

but these are made in Italy too.

definetly sounds like a bad part somewhere.

don't plug in units out on the circuit to wall voltage.

they might not all be 110 volt and you can fry other parts.

there used to be a saeco expert on here.

maybe he will stop by.

only coffee machines I have had were Aps

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