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Hey all I am back


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Hey all I know I kinda said I wouldn't leave and I ment that. I am back. I have was in a bad car accedent and unable to work and am having a hard time getting around. I am finaly back to work though and able to move more freely. Luckly its only stiffness and not pain. I have thought of you all and still plan on getting the vending going but my health comes first.

Its strange that 2 secounds can change your life. It only takes one drunk driver to do it. Worse yet he had no insurance and no money to cover anything. My insurance covered my medical bills bun not my living expences. So needless to say no money no internet, phone, or other stuff that is not needed. You realy find out how little these things realy matter anyways when this happens.

I feel better every day now so I should have the energy to start stopping in.


I love you all on the forum and hope even more to get things moving as soon as I can recover financaly. Sorry will not be spell checking so please forgive me.

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I am alot better all ready. I have the internet back at least while I am at work. It is just a matter of catch up. I don't hurt anymore just stiff. I have to take a brake and streach ever half hour or so.

I have to go to court next week and try to get him as much Jail time as I can. He got out two days after on bail and had another wreck (drunk) two weeks later. So he needs to be left in for a while. So instead of wishing me well we all need to pray for him that he wake up before he kills someone else. I will try to stop in once or twice a day.

As some of you know I was an avid rock climber. I will be going against doctors orders this weekend to climb a local mountain and light some flars. I will be leaving way early so that I can take plenty of brakes. I will post pictures of this on Monday. It is a celibration they do for the City's birthday every year.

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Ok I am back from climb. I didn't get any good pic's. sorry. It took me about 3 hours longer then normal but I did make it. I left alittle early on the return trip then everyone else and felt OK on that trip. I did drop alot of my weight about half way there so I didn't have a tent and a few other things I usaly have. I only carred the esentals the up the steap part of the climb.

I am a little sore today but very glad I went. My doctor met with me at 9:00 and said he doesn't think the hike hurt me one bit. I think its time to try and work these muscles out so I will be doing a small hike every other evening; sore or not. I should be back to normal in no time.

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