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Vote on November 4th

Jay-Son Vending

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My Humble Opinion..

The entrenched Government class in Washington seem to think that they can continue to spend our hard earned money with no end in sight...It seems that they continue to think we are not paying attention..


When you go to vote on November 4th (and everybody should) do not vote by party affiliation....

Instead..send a message to Washington...vote in the new Guy/Gal and send thos old windbags home....

Imagine the message that could be sent from the taxpayers of this country if..on November 5th ..1/3 of the Government was all newbies...Fesh faces..people without agenda's...

Just my opinion...comments welcome

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This could turn out to be a fun thread:)

I'll agree (somewhat) with Outlander. While I agree at this point, we're screwed no matter what, I do think one of the candidates can make it happen faster. We might be surprised!! Honestly, I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I'm an Independent and feel I will always vote for the "better" of the two. With that being said, if I had my way, Ron Paul would be in the white house! Maybe he wasn't the most charismatic of the candidates (and for a Republican, he is not very conservative even boarderline liberal), I think his thoughts/views on how to run this country were VERY sound. A lot of people feel some of his ideas about the economy are, to be blunt, radical. I think they are brilliant. We need to let things unwind in order to start "fresh". Yes, it will be painful but this is the only way to get out of this mess. You can't continue to throw gasoline (money) into the fire (system).


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Ron Paul is going to have a good laugh down the line when he says I told you so. I supported him from the beginning and we might send a message if we write him in as our choice. He never had a fair chance from the media and they were really scared of his fresh ideas. They don't want to fix the system otherwise they would have given him the chance to be heard.

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Each of us needs to vote our conscience...BUT..I realize that some of the good may get thrown out with the rest..

Most people have a belief to many degree's that it is "Not my guy that is bad...He/she does good things for our area...BUT..That is part of the problem..they get in they never leave and they keep"bringing home the bacon" for the distrct that they represent

The problem with this theory is:  For them to get that "Bacon" home..they needed votes from the other folks in power...

?? What did they have to promise or vote for to get the vote they needed??

I have a local person that I know has been very good for our area...I run the risk that my theory could hurt my area...BUT there comes a time that the only way to stop the current trend is to draw the line in the sand and send a message.



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So you are going to vote out the person that is doing a good job for your area just on principal if I understand your thinking? I don't pick a canidate based on their ability to gain pork barrel projects. I prefer someone who does what they say they will do and benefit the community or state or nation. Yes the majority need to be churned every cycle. In a way you are creating more of a problem down the road. By constantly turning over elected officials you are creating a pool of elected officials with little government expierence. Now that might not sound too bad on the surface but that expierence is where we draw our Presidential canidates from at the national level. Perhaps 2 years is enough to handle the job of President, we will see when Obama gets in how it goes. Sorry folks I don't think that the Mc Plain's are going to get in right now with the poll numbers I have seen. I am not going for Obama either as it is just a foregone conclusion for me. Sadly the polls predicted this back during the primaries. Poll after poll, Mc Cain was the highest against the Obama or Hillary ticket but was still forecasted to loose to either of them. Ron Paul was never given the chance in most polls so we won't know how that would have turned out. Ron Paul would have been the better choice against Obamma in my opinion.

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You are correct that a risk is run in the foreseeable future if awe ONLY vote in the new folks all the time...BUT..I believe that if you do not take this course for a minimum of this election and likely the next election in for congress and the senatethen the message will not be sent.

The Congress and the Senate have set this up so that, in most cases, ONLY a 1/3 of them could potentially lose at any one time...In this case, it will be plenty of time before the majority is new...

Also, as for the Presidential election...it is the case that most of the candidates have come from these two groups..it is not a requirement...Governors and all other citizens have the right to run..most will not..most are unqualified and being involved with the government should be at least part of the qualification. 

If we wont vote for term limits, then we must take it upon ourselves to send them home...You are correct that a lot of the tenets of the Ron Paul theory on government would be better for this country..but as long as we are a "Needy" country with folks who want and expect that the government should GIVE me something...we will never fix the problem.

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That sounds great Jay start with fresh faces.  Politiions in this contry have forgotton what they are in Washington for.  That is to be a voice for all americans. 

You want to do something that will make these folks work, place a max term they can spend up there laying around doing nothing but spending our money.  Make it 8 years if you can not do anything in that amount of time then you need to get out of the way and let someone else do it!!!

Ok now I am off my soapbox go USA!!!!!


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Hmmmmmm.........ahhhhhhhhhh........ummmmmmmmmm.......Obama for President? With the folks he has hung out with like a Weather Underground radical, a minister who hates this country, a Chicago crook, and more. He is a joke. And his VP person can NOT get his foot out of his big fat mouth.........EVER!

As for McCain? He is the better of the two. You can NOT tax the people during a recession. Obama has no clue in understanding that. I feel safer with McCain at the helm in terms of our safety internationally. His VP person? Is he f**ken kidding or what? I still can not believe she is the VP candidate. If he dies ( god forbid ), then what? We have her at the helm? Yikes!

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To easy your mind a little Johnny.

Question: What is America's first line of missile interceptor defense - that protects the entire United States?

Answer: The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard.

Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent active duty?

Answer: The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard

Question: Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question: What U.S. Governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question: What U.S. Governor has a higher classified security rating than either candidate of the Democratic Party?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. 

She can be entrusted with our national security because she already is.

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That is the package you vote on T Bird. What are the chances he will die in office anyway? It's not like he is in his 70's. There have been 43 Presidents and so far eight vice presidents have succeeded presidents who died in office. Overall that would be about 13% average or about once every 8 Presidents. On the other hand we have had 8 Predidents in a row that have not died in office either. Nevermind the averages, sorry to bring it up.

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