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Soda front replacement procedure


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I know this has been brought up before I just haven't been able to pull it up in the search.. if anyone could direct me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I brought 3 Of the cold drinks curved fronts for my Pepsi and two gatorade 501e machines. I remember AZ was talking about taking the top nuts and 4 on each side and sliding the old front out from up top.. but I have one machine on location and the ceiling is not high enough to do that.. my question is if I take all the bolts out am I going to have a hard time putting it back together? I'm doing 2 of the 3 signs in my garage and the other is on location.. so I should be good at it by the time I do the last one..


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We loosen up all the trim nuts and completely remove the left side trim. Slide the new panel in and reinstall that 1 piece of vertical trim. You may have the plastic Christmas tree plugs holding your trim on (4 in total I believe) They are easily drilled out and you can hammer in new ones. The worst part of the job for me is the delivery bin trim bezel. 

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